To unlock the
low carbon economy
by changing the way
new energies
are transported

Future energies require future infrastructure that can be deployed efficiently, cost effectively and with low environmental impact and a low carbon footprint.
We are in the midst of a major energy transition, requiring fresh mandates from Governments and Corporate Entities to look at alternatives to the status quo for reliable and safe energy solutions with renewable and low carbon energies becoming increasing important in order to meet agreed climate targets.

The NexGEN System produces continuous pipe, on-site, made with advanced composite materials that are specifically formulated to overcome the challenge of embrittlement and support the long-distance transport of hydrogen, biomethane and ammonia.
The NexGEN System provides Transmission Service Operators (TSOs) a cost-effective alternative to retrofitting existing pipeline or using ineffective steel infrastructure.
As a “closed-system”, pipe can be produced in challenging environments and climates and integrated with Compressor and Metering Stations and City Gates/Distribution Stations.
The NexGEN System has a lower cost than both repurposing existing gas transport infrastructure and installing traditional steel pipelines.
With a dramatically low carbon footprint the NexGEN System sets new standards, enables safer, more responsible, project solutions that create long term value.
Transporting Hydrogen
The lack of transport infrastructure is the biggest hurdle to hydrogen economy. The NexGEN pipeline solution solves the hydrogen, biomethane and ammonia transmission dilemma and revolutionises the way new energies are transported.
The NexGEN system utilises the latest advancements in composites and advanced materials to make distribution of future energies safe, durable and efficient.

Graphene Composites
We are developing unique composite formulas encompassing high-grade Graphene with unprecedented attributes and applications.
The use of graphene-enhanced materials enables endless possibilities though enhanced conductivity, strength and resistance to corrosion and pressure.
Such properties enable advanced solutions in pipeline application and the monitoring of pipeline integrity.
Graphene Advantages
Superior long lasting resistance against corrosive environments including Hydrogen, Biomethane and Ammonia in addition to other liquids and gases.
Dramatic cost savings. A significant cost reduction when compared to similar steel pipe solutions.
High strength to weight ratio means it is light and durable. For the same strength, composite piping can weigh significantly less than steel and aluminium.
The smooth inner pipe surface minimises friction and pressure loss. Better hydraulic performance than metal and concrete pipes, significantly reducing operating costs.
Significantly lower carbon footprint when compared to steel.

More cost effective than retrofitting existing pipelines
Zero hydrogen embrittlement, impervious to corrosion
Lower hydraulic energy requirement
Reduced carbon footprint
Game changing pipeline monitoring systems
Efficient and fast installation
Patented invisible join construction
Significantly lower freight costs
Suitable for challenging climatic conditions
Minimal onsite labour

The NexGEN System greatly reduces transportation emissions and onsite activity as it requires significantly less containerised freight for each project and eliminates the use of heavy machinery such as cranes, welding equipment, large generators and general maintenance equipment.
Accompany that with a 60% reduction in Carbon Footprint* compared to metallic pipes and you a have substantial reduction in carbon footprint during the lifecycle of the Pipelines.
*Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S095965262101369X

Accredited by STS to a PSI of 8,450 +.
Australian Patent No. 2012216495 & International (PCT) Patent Application No. PCT/IB2020/057241.
STS testing in accordance with ASTM Designation: D 1599 - 99 Standard Test Method for resistance to Short-Term Hydraulic Pressure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing and Fittings (Procedure B).

We have developed an innovative engineering solution to construct patented, continuous, invisible join, composite pipeline on site.
The NexGEN System utilises the latest advancements in advanced composite materials to make the distribution of future energies safe, durable and efficient, whilst significantly reducing the carbon footprint of a pipeline project.

16 Raffles Quay, #16-02 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581
Email: info@nexgenpipes.com
Tel: +65 9270 8215